Friday, July 2, 2010

Farewell Bottle Beach

Today was our last day on the island. We went to the beach and we are going to have an Indian buffet tonight at the yoga retreat. The beach was perfect because it was overcast and cool. The air temp. was probably around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the water was probably a bit warmer than that. We are sad to leave the island, however, we are looking forward to seeing Chiang Mai as it is one of the most vegetarian friendly cities on the planet (Dana take note). We are glad that we got to see the island when we did as it seems that they are in the process of potentially becoming a huge tourist hot spot. Mom and dad (Branson) I have not heard from you at all. Are you reading the blog? You all should comment or email me. I miss you.


  1. Sorry, sweetie, I'm old and couldn't figure out how to post a comment! Your trip sounds mostly good!!! I'd especially love to rent the house you mentioned. Bruce is snoozing in the chair --still recovering from the wedding??? All is good here. Pat will be here with Austin bike team to ride Triple Bypass next Saturday and they'll be staying with us for a few nights! I miss you guys and wish it were easier to communicate, but I guess we can e-mail. All my love to you two!!!!

  2. hmm...might be a long way to go for dinner. lol
